Item Name: Star Badge 1935
Item ID: STB-1-3-03
Collector Rating: 1
Requirements June 1911 until October 1914
The star scout badge will be given to the first-class scout who has qualified for ten merit badges. The ten include the list under life scout.
Requirements June 1911 until January 1925
The star scout badge is awarded to the first class scout who has qualified for ten merit badges, including the five badges of the life scout.
Requirements January 1925 until March 1927
The star scout badge is awarded to the first class scout who has qualified for any five merit badges.
Requirements March 1927 until November 1927
After a first class scout has furnished satisfactory evidence that he has been actually putting into practice the ideals and principles of the Scout Oath and Law, the motto "Be Prepared" and the "Daily Good Turn", and has made an earnest effort to develop his leadership ability, and has passed to the satisfaction of the local court of honor or the examing committee, any five merit badge test he may be enrolled as a star scout, and is entitled to wear the star scout badge og the Boy Scouts of America.
Requirements January 1929 until January 1952