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Item Name: First Class Badge 1976 - 1989

Item ID: FCB-1-7-03

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 until December 1977

1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 3 months as-n, Second Class Scout.

2. Show Scout spirit.

3. Earn three more skill awards. This is a total of eight since joining.

4. Earn two more merit badges. (This is a total of five of which two. Citizenship in the Community and First Aid, are required.)

6. Take part in a personal growth agreement conference



Requirements December 1977 until February 1979

1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 3 months as a Second Class Scout.

2. Show Scout spirit.

3. Earn Camping, Cooking, and one other skill (This is a total of eight.)

4. Earn two more merit badges. (This is a total of three including First Aid which is)

5. Take part in a personal growth agreement conference.


Requirements February 1979 until January 1982

1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 2 months as a Second Class Scout.

2. Show Scout spirit.

3. Earn Camping, Cooking, and one other
skill award. (This is a total of eight.)

4. Earn First Aid merit badge.

5. Take part in a personal growth agreement


Requirements January 1982 until January 1990

1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 2 months as a Second Class

2. Show Scout spirit.

3. Earn Camping, Cooking, and one other skill award (so that you have eight in all).

4. Earn First Aid merit badge.

5. Swimming. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim. Jump feetfirst into water over your head in depth. Swim 50m (or 50yd.). During the swim, stop, make a sharp turn, level off, and resume swimming.*

6. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.

*This requirement may be waived by the troop committee for medical or safety reasons.