Item Name: Archery 1934 - 1935
Item ID: Archer-B2
Collector Rating: 1
Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge
Requirements November 1932 until November 1938
1. With a bow and arrows make the following score on a regulation four foot target, shooting thirty arrows at each distance:
At 40 yards a score of at least 80
At 30 yards a score of at least 100
(The total number of points possible is 270 for any distance.)
2. Make a bow, arrow and string with which he shall shoot an extreme flight of a least 150 yards.
3. Give the meaning of York, American and Team rounds; wand; clout; flight, and butt shooting; and roving. Mention three American woods that can be used satisfactorily in the making of a bow.
4. Know something of the history of Archery, and the principal archers of the past and present and their records.